Wednesday, January 30, 2008

first post

The other day in politics, I witnesses a definitional argument. Several individuals got into an argument over candidates, and their views in the up coming 2008 presidential election. Most of the individuals involved in the heated discussion were backing the Democratic candidates and their views of the major issues. This argument was not only meant to stimulate the individuals involved but it was meant to bring more people into the conversation. Each person involved was trying to make logos based comments to defend their personal views. However, with a Democratic majority represented, the few Republican's views points were repeatedly slammed.

1 comment:

ECF said...

We often see arguments of definition come into play as each political party evolves over time. What, indeed, is a "Democrat" and what is a "Republican"? There are often different definitions--some definitions of Republican are highly steeped in religious mores, while others disregard religion entirely and focus solely on economic policies and standards.