Sunday, February 3, 2008

The other day while I was reading up on news in the Sailing community I came across an article tittled "Text Book" this article was mainly a set of 6 pictures. These pictures were a definitional argument. They were depicting the proper way to make a specific sailing move work, and work well. What was nice about this argument was the sequence of 6 pictures allows for multiple stages of the inside mark rounded to be shown. This article was meant for the Sailing community particularly individuals who view the website Sailing Anarchy. This argument is not only clean in what it depicts but it is making a logical appeal to the reader/viewer about the proper way to make an inside mark rounding. Further discussion of the race, and the boats involved was also discussed on the website through a link to a different part of the Sailing Anarchy page. The article, "Text Book" appeared on 1/31/08, on the website

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