Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Hate HomerConnect

HomerConnect is a horrible invention. I feel it makes trying to find classes more of a pain in the ass than anything; you have to keep clicking back and forth and checking all kinds of numbers to see if its actually the right class that you need. Furthermore, to make the situation even more of a nuisance, when it comes times to register for you class HomerConnect decides to be extra slow or not even let you on because everyone is trying to do the same damn thing. I mean honestly if your going to do web registration for classes there needs to be a better system or at least the one that can handle the demand. I have a friend who graduated from MIT and he couldn't believe that Ithaca College (where his sister went) had a system that basically forces its students to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to try and get into classes with a high possibly that it wont work properly. So once HomerConnect fails the student body, kids who didn't get the classes they need, have to spend a day running around campus and creating more of a hassle for the staff as they try and find the right paperwork and signatures to get override permission. PAIN IN THE ASS! The class registration system needs to be review and updated.

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