Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Re: Re: SASP loves pee-ers

Original post http://fabolousblog.blogspot.com/
Second post http://amry-amandas.blogspot.com/

I agree with both Sean and Amanda SASP is bullshit. I know a couple individuals who work for this hellish organization. One only works for SASP because shes on a power trip, and the other individual I know who works for SASP is only doing it for a paycheck. However, NO one benefits from SASP! I've gotten in more trouble this year from students who think a yellow jacket and a walkie talkie are the ultimate rights to power on campus than I have from the actual cops. One night I was walking from one floor to another in Emerson with a drink in my hand and a cop saw me. He called me over and made me dump out the drink. That was the end of the repercussions from drinking that night. A few weeks later i was at a party and SASP came a knockin on the door. one of the SASP's saw me with a drink in my hand while they were yelling at the people who's circle i was at. The overzealous SASP patrolman then proceeded to come over and try taking my name and student information wanted to judicially refer me. Honestly, FUCK that! A walkie talkie and a jacket embroidered saying SASP gives no one the grounds to treat other fellow students like shit.

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