Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Re: Re: SASP loves pee-ers

Original post http://fabolousblog.blogspot.com/
Second post http://amry-amandas.blogspot.com/

I agree with both Sean and Amanda SASP is bullshit. I know a couple individuals who work for this hellish organization. One only works for SASP because shes on a power trip, and the other individual I know who works for SASP is only doing it for a paycheck. However, NO one benefits from SASP! I've gotten in more trouble this year from students who think a yellow jacket and a walkie talkie are the ultimate rights to power on campus than I have from the actual cops. One night I was walking from one floor to another in Emerson with a drink in my hand and a cop saw me. He called me over and made me dump out the drink. That was the end of the repercussions from drinking that night. A few weeks later i was at a party and SASP came a knockin on the door. one of the SASP's saw me with a drink in my hand while they were yelling at the people who's circle i was at. The overzealous SASP patrolman then proceeded to come over and try taking my name and student information wanted to judicially refer me. Honestly, FUCK that! A walkie talkie and a jacket embroidered saying SASP gives no one the grounds to treat other fellow students like shit.

I Hate HomerConnect

HomerConnect is a horrible invention. I feel it makes trying to find classes more of a pain in the ass than anything; you have to keep clicking back and forth and checking all kinds of numbers to see if its actually the right class that you need. Furthermore, to make the situation even more of a nuisance, when it comes times to register for you class HomerConnect decides to be extra slow or not even let you on because everyone is trying to do the same damn thing. I mean honestly if your going to do web registration for classes there needs to be a better system or at least the one that can handle the demand. I have a friend who graduated from MIT and he couldn't believe that Ithaca College (where his sister went) had a system that basically forces its students to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to try and get into classes with a high possibly that it wont work properly. So once HomerConnect fails the student body, kids who didn't get the classes they need, have to spend a day running around campus and creating more of a hassle for the staff as they try and find the right paperwork and signatures to get override permission. PAIN IN THE ASS! The class registration system needs to be review and updated.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Re: Polygamist Compound Raid


HOLY SHIT!!! What a messed up story. I can not believe shit like this is still happening. I hope the leader of this polygamist sect, Warren Jeffs goes to jail for a long time. Arranged marriages of teenage girls to old men is disgusting. Furthermore, some of these arranged marriages were of young girls to their relatives. Polygamy is fucked up. I hope this extremely disturbing case causes police to question whats goin' down at some of the other polygamist compound that are also members of this church and raid them.

Re: Weather


I agree with Seth, Now that the weather is getting better everyone seems to be in a better mood. During February, everyone was depressed. This is not a lie, I live in Emerson and other kids in my dorm pretty much refused to go outside in the cold miserable snowy weather. However, now that its actually sunny and warm outside everyone is back outside playing sports, doing homework outside and actually journeying outside of the dorm. I know my friends in towers are enjoying the better weather because now the 10 minute walk down to their cars isn't completely unbearable it's just miserable.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Re: Why Bosses are Always Right


I agree with chris, confronting a boss is always a hard thing. i have had very similar situations. last summer i asked my boss for several days off and he failed to get back to me. however, when i did not hear i just sent him an email telling him i would not be coming to work because i had college orientation. after i got back to work he seemed mad at me for several days. the fact he was unable to respond in a reasonable time frame and understand i had other obligations actually caused me to not ask for any more days off over the summer. this really sucked because i missed out on some sweet things my friends were doing. i have a new boss this summer so hopefully things will be better.

Re: Locked Out


I agree with Sara the Health Center need to reevaluate its policy for after hours care. Locking students out and having them waiting for a nurse to be buzzed in is horrible. I live by myself because my roommate moved out. After, finding out the health center had such a poor after hours policy it made me question what I would do if I needed to make an emergency trip in the middle of the night. My only thoughts were that I would need to call public safety because surely the cops have immediate access to the health center.However, needing public safety to get you immediate medical attention this is extreme. I should be able to just go over there and walk in and receive care.

Friday, March 28, 2008


To fully appreciate how fucking stupid people can be watch this video. However, if you do not have time for a short video here's a recap. Dumb idea 1) lets go in waist deep murky water at night. Dumb idea 2) Lets be looking for a snake in this shitty water. Dumb idea 3) Lets grab a giant ass python by its tail and try and pull it out of a hole in a wall. Finally, as a result of this stupidity by the national geographic host and his crew the dumb ass gets bitten by the giant ass snake. To make matters worse and add insult to injury lets continue after the snake release the host to wrangle it by its tail some more. This video made me realize people don't know when to leave shit alone. I'm glad the host got bit, he should have learned something from Steve Irwin's death. maybe next time it won't take getting bit at night by a giant ass snake in nasty water to realize some animals need to be left alone.