Friday, March 28, 2008

To fully appreciate how fucking stupid people can be watch this video. However, if you do not have time for a short video here's a recap. Dumb idea 1) lets go in waist deep murky water at night. Dumb idea 2) Lets be looking for a snake in this shitty water. Dumb idea 3) Lets grab a giant ass python by its tail and try and pull it out of a hole in a wall. Finally, as a result of this stupidity by the national geographic host and his crew the dumb ass gets bitten by the giant ass snake. To make matters worse and add insult to injury lets continue after the snake release the host to wrangle it by its tail some more. This video made me realize people don't know when to leave shit alone. I'm glad the host got bit, he should have learned something from Steve Irwin's death. maybe next time it won't take getting bit at night by a giant ass snake in nasty water to realize some animals need to be left alone.

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