Sunday, February 10, 2008

Re; Nicked and Dimed

The author of this article nailed it. We pay excessive fees for things that are free at many other schools. One cost that was not addressed was the parking fees. This is where first year students get screwed over more so than other students. For a first year student to have a car on campus its $213 for the year. This fee is the same for student who bring their car the first day they move in, or upon returning from winter break and are only parking for a semester. However, all non first year students pay a much reduced rate. Their fee is $106 for the year. Thats a savings of $107. Also, their rate is prorated which equates to paying less if your only parking for a semester verses two semesters. The only students who have inexpensive parking is the few grad students who get to park for free. So as you can see parking is just another area where the college is collecting a large amount of money on top of already excessive amount of money each student is paying to go here. One finial thought on parking, the first year students pay the most yet we have the worst parking lots, neither of them are paved and they just reduced the one by adding more faculty parking spots in the lot behind Emerson. Honestly, what faculty member is going to park behind Emerson and walk the 5-10 minutes up campus to where they teach/their office is?

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