Sunday, March 2, 2008


Last night everything went to hell. Emerson Hall was vandalized. Curtains were ripped down, posters and name tags were ripped off doors, and a fire extinguisher was set off. To cap a night of destruction the fire alarm was set off around 4am. The fire alarm is the part that bothers me. After talking to people today, I've learned a good deal of people didn't hear the alarm go off because they were passed out after a long night of partying. If there had been a real fire this is very bad news. Also, seeing how this is not the first time our fire alarm has gone off in the middle of the night kids also tend to do what i did. Ignored the alarm and went back to bed instead of evacuating the building. Granted this was a completely stupid move on my part, but honestly 4 something in the morning, drunk, and in bed asleep there was no way I was getting up and dressed to go outside to stand in the cold. Next time I will will myself into getting up and taking that late night trip outside. I just people would be more considerate and not do stupid things such as vandalizing the building and pulling fire alarms . Were in college, grow up people!

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