Thursday, March 27, 2008

Eliott Spitzer

I can not believe that a man who had a reputation as a crime fighter and created so many enemies thought he would not be caught paying for sex and transporting hookers across state border. Honestly now, when your known as the "sheriff of wall street" and have brought down some major careers and created many enemies how did the governor think he could get away with breaking laws himself? I seem to remember the Eliot Spitzer prosecuting 2 prostitution rings in the past. I guess he was just working on his Rolodex file of pimps to call. However, on a less serious note this scandal gave the governors high priced call girl her 15 minutes of fame. Not only did "Kristen" whos real name is Ashley Alexandra Dupre make money from the former governor of New York, once her real name was dropped everyone blew up her myspace and she made a killing off people wanting to hear here song. Furthermore, this scandal made for some good jokes on programs such as "the Tonight Show". However, my favorite moment from this entire mess came last night. After an incredibly long week so far I was browsing the internet and came across a fucking hilarious picture (seen above) on

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