Friday, March 21, 2008


This new password is crap. I keep forgetting what has which password. It use to be that to log onto the school network it was your email password. However, now at the recently implemented change your old password logs you onto the school network but other school related things such as email and webct are now the new password. The reasoning behind the password change to include special characters was to make passwords stronger and safer. However, now-a-days everything requires a password. This creates problems because a general rule of thumb is not to have multiple passwords being the same. Trying to remember so many combinations of letters numbers and symbols and correct answers to security questions sucks. This has forced me to create a list of all my passwords and security questions, so honestly how safe is my information now that i needed to write it all down? And to complicate the new ITS password more, it expires every 120 days. This means sometime over the summer when I go to check my email or look up information for the coming school year I wont be able to do it until I create a new password again.

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