Sunday, March 16, 2008

Re: Florida and Michigan

Well all I can say is things are fucked up. First, Florida and Michigan decide to hold their primary's early and now the repercussions of this act are beginning to appear. Because these two states wanted "more say" for their voters and went against what the Democratic National Committee said the original votes do not count. Now a several months later Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are still very close in their numbers of pledged delegates. This cause caused the contested primary elections in Florida and Michigan to be more important This has led to several ideas being put forth for counting these votes or have a re-vote. However, In agreement with the DNC Barack Obama did not appear on some of the original voting ballots. The latest idea was to have a mail in vote system. However, this re-vote is going to cost millions. Furthermore, beyond mail in votes Florida wanted to set up offices for individuals in less fortunate neighborhoods to come in and vote in person. This is the worst system forever because there is no way to stop individual's from voting twice. Basically the re-votes in Florida can be summed up in two words VOTER FRAUD and will not be a true representation of how the population feels. Original post at

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