Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Re: Re: SASP loves pee-ers

Original post http://fabolousblog.blogspot.com/
Second post http://amry-amandas.blogspot.com/

I agree with both Sean and Amanda SASP is bullshit. I know a couple individuals who work for this hellish organization. One only works for SASP because shes on a power trip, and the other individual I know who works for SASP is only doing it for a paycheck. However, NO one benefits from SASP! I've gotten in more trouble this year from students who think a yellow jacket and a walkie talkie are the ultimate rights to power on campus than I have from the actual cops. One night I was walking from one floor to another in Emerson with a drink in my hand and a cop saw me. He called me over and made me dump out the drink. That was the end of the repercussions from drinking that night. A few weeks later i was at a party and SASP came a knockin on the door. one of the SASP's saw me with a drink in my hand while they were yelling at the people who's circle i was at. The overzealous SASP patrolman then proceeded to come over and try taking my name and student information wanted to judicially refer me. Honestly, FUCK that! A walkie talkie and a jacket embroidered saying SASP gives no one the grounds to treat other fellow students like shit.

I Hate HomerConnect

HomerConnect is a horrible invention. I feel it makes trying to find classes more of a pain in the ass than anything; you have to keep clicking back and forth and checking all kinds of numbers to see if its actually the right class that you need. Furthermore, to make the situation even more of a nuisance, when it comes times to register for you class HomerConnect decides to be extra slow or not even let you on because everyone is trying to do the same damn thing. I mean honestly if your going to do web registration for classes there needs to be a better system or at least the one that can handle the demand. I have a friend who graduated from MIT and he couldn't believe that Ithaca College (where his sister went) had a system that basically forces its students to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to try and get into classes with a high possibly that it wont work properly. So once HomerConnect fails the student body, kids who didn't get the classes they need, have to spend a day running around campus and creating more of a hassle for the staff as they try and find the right paperwork and signatures to get override permission. PAIN IN THE ASS! The class registration system needs to be review and updated.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Re: Polygamist Compound Raid


HOLY SHIT!!! What a messed up story. I can not believe shit like this is still happening. I hope the leader of this polygamist sect, Warren Jeffs goes to jail for a long time. Arranged marriages of teenage girls to old men is disgusting. Furthermore, some of these arranged marriages were of young girls to their relatives. Polygamy is fucked up. I hope this extremely disturbing case causes police to question whats goin' down at some of the other polygamist compound that are also members of this church and raid them.

Re: Weather


I agree with Seth, Now that the weather is getting better everyone seems to be in a better mood. During February, everyone was depressed. This is not a lie, I live in Emerson and other kids in my dorm pretty much refused to go outside in the cold miserable snowy weather. However, now that its actually sunny and warm outside everyone is back outside playing sports, doing homework outside and actually journeying outside of the dorm. I know my friends in towers are enjoying the better weather because now the 10 minute walk down to their cars isn't completely unbearable it's just miserable.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Re: Why Bosses are Always Right


I agree with chris, confronting a boss is always a hard thing. i have had very similar situations. last summer i asked my boss for several days off and he failed to get back to me. however, when i did not hear i just sent him an email telling him i would not be coming to work because i had college orientation. after i got back to work he seemed mad at me for several days. the fact he was unable to respond in a reasonable time frame and understand i had other obligations actually caused me to not ask for any more days off over the summer. this really sucked because i missed out on some sweet things my friends were doing. i have a new boss this summer so hopefully things will be better.

Re: Locked Out


I agree with Sara the Health Center need to reevaluate its policy for after hours care. Locking students out and having them waiting for a nurse to be buzzed in is horrible. I live by myself because my roommate moved out. After, finding out the health center had such a poor after hours policy it made me question what I would do if I needed to make an emergency trip in the middle of the night. My only thoughts were that I would need to call public safety because surely the cops have immediate access to the health center.However, needing public safety to get you immediate medical attention this is extreme. I should be able to just go over there and walk in and receive care.

Friday, March 28, 2008


To fully appreciate how fucking stupid people can be watch this video. However, if you do not have time for a short video here's a recap. Dumb idea 1) lets go in waist deep murky water at night. Dumb idea 2) Lets be looking for a snake in this shitty water. Dumb idea 3) Lets grab a giant ass python by its tail and try and pull it out of a hole in a wall. Finally, as a result of this stupidity by the national geographic host and his crew the dumb ass gets bitten by the giant ass snake. To make matters worse and add insult to injury lets continue after the snake release the host to wrangle it by its tail some more. This video made me realize people don't know when to leave shit alone. I'm glad the host got bit, he should have learned something from Steve Irwin's death. maybe next time it won't take getting bit at night by a giant ass snake in nasty water to realize some animals need to be left alone.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Eliott Spitzer

I can not believe that a man who had a reputation as a crime fighter and created so many enemies thought he would not be caught paying for sex and transporting hookers across state border. Honestly now, when your known as the "sheriff of wall street" and have brought down some major careers and created many enemies how did the governor think he could get away with breaking laws himself? I seem to remember the Eliot Spitzer prosecuting 2 prostitution rings in the past. I guess he was just working on his Rolodex file of pimps to call. However, on a less serious note this scandal gave the governors high priced call girl her 15 minutes of fame. Not only did "Kristen" whos real name is Ashley Alexandra Dupre make money from the former governor of New York, once her real name was dropped everyone blew up her myspace and she made a killing off people wanting to hear here song. Furthermore, this scandal made for some good jokes on programs such as "the Tonight Show". However, my favorite moment from this entire mess came last night. After an incredibly long week so far I was browsing the internet and came across a fucking hilarious picture (seen above) on http://www.karlsonandmckenzie.com

Friday, March 21, 2008

Re: Facebook

Original post at http://abuzzweekly.blogspot.com/

I agree with this post. Facebook is a great tool for keeping in touch with friends and upcoming events. However, once something is put on the internet it creates future problems. There are most likely pictures on my facebook that will not look so great if my kid were co stumble upon them one day. However, this is become a fact everyone needs to deal with. I first remember thinking about how facebook or myspace could be a problem when applying for college. I questioned if pictures of myself could possible be found on the internet and how easily. Would it be as simple as just googling myself and possible finding images that would damage my character and hurt my chances to get into college? This internal debate over how much information to have available still troubles me. Like most college students I check my facebook several times a day to find the latest news of what friends are doing and see the previous weekends not so glorious actions captured in photos. Potentially damaging photos on the internet is becoming a fact of society that everyone has to live with.


This new password is crap. I keep forgetting what has which password. It use to be that to log onto the school network it was your email password. However, now at the recently implemented change your old password logs you onto the school network but other school related things such as email and webct are now the new password. The reasoning behind the password change to include special characters was to make passwords stronger and safer. However, now-a-days everything requires a password. This creates problems because a general rule of thumb is not to have multiple passwords being the same. Trying to remember so many combinations of letters numbers and symbols and correct answers to security questions sucks. This has forced me to create a list of all my passwords and security questions, so honestly how safe is my information now that i needed to write it all down? And to complicate the new ITS password more, it expires every 120 days. This means sometime over the summer when I go to check my email or look up information for the coming school year I wont be able to do it until I create a new password again.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Re: Florida and Michigan

Well all I can say is things are fucked up. First, Florida and Michigan decide to hold their primary's early and now the repercussions of this act are beginning to appear. Because these two states wanted "more say" for their voters and went against what the Democratic National Committee said the original votes do not count. Now a several months later Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are still very close in their numbers of pledged delegates. This cause caused the contested primary elections in Florida and Michigan to be more important This has led to several ideas being put forth for counting these votes or have a re-vote. However, In agreement with the DNC Barack Obama did not appear on some of the original voting ballots. The latest idea was to have a mail in vote system. However, this re-vote is going to cost millions. Furthermore, beyond mail in votes Florida wanted to set up offices for individuals in less fortunate neighborhoods to come in and vote in person. This is the worst system forever because there is no way to stop individual's from voting twice. Basically the re-votes in Florida can be summed up in two words VOTER FRAUD and will not be a true representation of how the population feels. Original post at http://bhaywood1.blogspot.com/

Re: Why I Don't Hate Britney

This response is regarding both Sara's blog and an article we had to read for class. The original article was a woman complaining that she was afraid to have a daughter because she felt individuals such a Britney Spears have over sexualized the country between wearing next to nothing and lyrics involving sexual content. Since the article that we had to read for class was published media has covered Britney Spears more and more. This coverage has shown Britney in a negative light. Granted divorce and a child custody case are not positive events but I feel media has driven this Britney Spears mania. I feel that constant media coverage of stars is what caused them to wear risky outfits and live an overly lavish lifestyle. In my opinion the more coverage an celebrity receives the more they try and live up to all the attention they are getting. Ways of staying in the lime light can include flashy and risky wardrobes and risky lifestyle choices such as drugs. Original post at http://saraswritingblog.blogspot.com/

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Last night everything went to hell. Emerson Hall was vandalized. Curtains were ripped down, posters and name tags were ripped off doors, and a fire extinguisher was set off. To cap a night of destruction the fire alarm was set off around 4am. The fire alarm is the part that bothers me. After talking to people today, I've learned a good deal of people didn't hear the alarm go off because they were passed out after a long night of partying. If there had been a real fire this is very bad news. Also, seeing how this is not the first time our fire alarm has gone off in the middle of the night kids also tend to do what i did. Ignored the alarm and went back to bed instead of evacuating the building. Granted this was a completely stupid move on my part, but honestly 4 something in the morning, drunk, and in bed asleep there was no way I was getting up and dressed to go outside to stand in the cold. Next time I will will myself into getting up and taking that late night trip outside. I just people would be more considerate and not do stupid things such as vandalizing the building and pulling fire alarms . Were in college, grow up people!

Re: Are you getting enough sleep?

I agree with the author of this original post. College students do not get enough sleep. I tend to think I have a quasi-healthy sleeping pattern but I know this isn't true. It's been said that on average an adult should get about 8 hours of sleep. I fail every night generally getting around 7 hours or less. This causes me to not only be tired all day but I waste a lot of time trying to take naps here and there. I have a 9am class Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. When I get back to my room at 10am instead of doing some work, or reading the news, going back to bed for a hour trumps everything. Then its up and off to lunch and classes. So during the week my sleep patterns are generally not the best. But weeks instead of catching up on sleep I do more damage to my sleeping habits. Theres been Fridays where I got up at 9am for class and didn't go to bed until 4am Saturday. Thats a 19 hours day. Then being a typical college student, homework gets pushed back to Sundays. Its an endless cycle of little bits of sleep here and there. I can not wait until spring break so I can go home and waste away a week in bed. Original Post at: http://wkyu816.blogspot.com/

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Re: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I complete agree with the author of this blog. As we get older, things change. These changes can include your views, your physical appearance, or characteristics you use to make judgments such as what make things beautiful. I guess a way of highlighting this would be look back at one aspect of your life and see how you have changed. I'm 19 years old but I can look back and see how my tastes and opinions have changed throughout the years. One specific example is the type of music I listen to. As the years have gone by I have transitioned from like one genre to another. A reason for this transition is what appeals to you about the music. For this example I equated what you like about the music with beauty. Original post at http://joshbusinessblog.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

IC Work Order

Recently students myself included have been basing on Ithaca College for the cost of tuition, and other factors of campus life such as parking accommodation's. However, this week the college managed to impress me. Since the first day when I moved into my room in Emerson Hall, my shower has had a constant drip. Trying to do my part towards sustainability I finally decided to put in a work order. I submitted the work oder Saturday morning. Monday morning i received confirmation and approval for the work I requested. Today, Tuesday at 1:30 or so I came back to my room after lunch to find an individual here fixing my shower. I was impressed at the response time. This makes me feel like my tuition money is actually going towards something beneficial and that the college truly does want to keep the students happy and working towards a goal of sustainability.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Quiet Hours

There is several signs up in Emerson that proclaim that each night there is quiet hours. The hours depend on the day of the week. Sunday-Thursday: 10pm - 8am. Friday- Saturday 1am-9am. However, no one follows these guidelines. Monday night I was laying in bed feeling miserable. Because just like everyone else I'm coming down with the common cold. You think it was quiet? Hell no! 1am- people slamming doors and being loud. 1:15- people out in the hall having a conversation if you call yelling back and forth to each other a conversation. Finally, at 1:30 I couldn't take it and I went and yelled down the hall to shut up. I understand its hard to enforce quiet hours, I just wish everyone had a little bit more respect and having to get out of bed to tell someone one to shut up / take their conversation into a room wasn't necessary.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Re: Primaries

The 2008 election cycle started far soon than it has in the past. This has caused several states to move up their primary dates. The idea behind moving a primary date up is to have a greater say in who becomes president. This is because candidates carry momentum from state to state. Two such states who jumped forward this election cycle were Florida and Michigan. However, the Democratic National Party did not want these states to jump forward in the primary process. This has caused the Democratic National Party to claim that Florida and Michigan will not have representatives at the National convention. However, as the primaries have progressed and the race has become closer and closer between Hillary and Obama it looks as if these disputed delegates will be important in the end. Furthermore, changes need to be made to the primary and caucus system. The original author suggested drawing out of a hat but this is completely absurd. 50 different state governments with at least 2 political parties will not and can not waste time drawing slips of paper to see who votes when. Several more likely and feasible solutions are either to have primaries by geographic regions. This would then allow each region a chance to be heard first on a rotating basis. Or theres always the other solution of just having one national primary day where voting takes place across the entire nation. Something similar to this was seen this year when 24 states held contests on February 5.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Re: Wireless of Campus

I agree with the author of the blog "Wireless on Campus," who says we need greater wireless internet access at Ithaca College. I find it frustrating when I go to a friends room or a lounge to work on a project but can not use the internet to help with research. I feel that with the amount of money we pay to go here, they could improve the campus and its educational benefits by adding onto the wireless network. One building on campus that I found had wireless was Friends Hall. First semester I had a history class there and used the wireless almost every class day. Original post appears at http://eyorke1.blogspot.com/

Re; Nicked and Dimed

The author of this article nailed it. We pay excessive fees for things that are free at many other schools. One cost that was not addressed was the parking fees. This is where first year students get screwed over more so than other students. For a first year student to have a car on campus its $213 for the year. This fee is the same for student who bring their car the first day they move in, or upon returning from winter break and are only parking for a semester. However, all non first year students pay a much reduced rate. Their fee is $106 for the year. Thats a savings of $107. Also, their rate is prorated which equates to paying less if your only parking for a semester verses two semesters. The only students who have inexpensive parking is the few grad students who get to park for free. So as you can see parking is just another area where the college is collecting a large amount of money on top of already excessive amount of money each student is paying to go here. One finial thought on parking, the first year students pay the most yet we have the worst parking lots, neither of them are paved and they just reduced the one by adding more faculty parking spots in the lot behind Emerson. Honestly, what faculty member is going to park behind Emerson and walk the 5-10 minutes up campus to where they teach/their office is?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The other day while I was reading up on news in the Sailing community I came across an article tittled "Text Book" this article was mainly a set of 6 pictures. These pictures were a definitional argument. They were depicting the proper way to make a specific sailing move work, and work well. What was nice about this argument was the sequence of 6 pictures allows for multiple stages of the inside mark rounded to be shown. This article was meant for the Sailing community particularly individuals who view the website Sailing Anarchy. This argument is not only clean in what it depicts but it is making a logical appeal to the reader/viewer about the proper way to make an inside mark rounding. Further discussion of the race, and the boats involved was also discussed on the website through a link to a different part of the Sailing Anarchy page. The article, "Text Book" appeared on 1/31/08, on the website http://www.sailinganarchy.com/index_page1.php

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

first post

The other day in politics, I witnesses a definitional argument. Several individuals got into an argument over candidates, and their views in the up coming 2008 presidential election. Most of the individuals involved in the heated discussion were backing the Democratic candidates and their views of the major issues. This argument was not only meant to stimulate the individuals involved but it was meant to bring more people into the conversation. Each person involved was trying to make logos based comments to defend their personal views. However, with a Democratic majority represented, the few Republican's views points were repeatedly slammed.